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Sports Premium, PE and Swimming



What is taught in the PE curriculum?

PE at The Federation of Penny Acres and Wigley Primary Schools plays a vital part of everyday school life. All pupils have high quality PE timetabled each week to cover the main areas of the National Curriculum which are dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, athletics, and outdoor and adventurous activities.  Swimming is offered for all children of Junior age.  A healthy lifestyle is also promoted and we enrich children’s experiences through opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities, specialist visiting teachers/coaches and Sports Partnership competitions.


P.E Kits

Pupils are expected to arrive at school prepared for the lesson and this includes a polo shirt or t-shirt (house colour), black shorts and suitable outdoor training shoes or plimsolls. Please encourage your child to remember to bring their kit each week!


Extra-Curricular PE

Alongside the PE Curriculum, the children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of after school sports clubs including martial arts/boxercise, football, cricket, fencing, tag rugby, athletics and many other competitive sports. A selection of these are offered at different times throughout the school year and details can be found in school.





Children are given the opportunity to participate in the Qualitas Sports Partnership festivals and competitions.  As a school, we have enjoyed much success competing in Cluster events enabling the children to be proud to represent their school!


School Club Links

The school seeks to make links with local community clubs whenever possible by promoting their activities and by sending their advertising literature.


Why is PE so important?

The Federation of Penny Acres and Wigley Primary Schools recognises the vital contribution of physical education to a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development.

How can physical education help in your child’s development?..


Physical development:

  • To develop physical competence and confidence by acquiring and developing a range of fine and gross motor skills.

  • To be aware of the different shapes and movements that can be made with the body.

  • To develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions with increasing control and accuracy.

  • To promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle by understanding the effects of exercise on the body and the importance of developing strength, endurance and flexibility

  • To appreciate of the value of safe exercising.


Social and emotional development:

  • To develop a love of physical exercise.

  • To develop the ability to work independently and communicate with, and respond appropriately towards others using verbal and non-verbal communication.

  • To develop confidence in their own skills and abilities.

  • To promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others.

  • To realise that the right exercise for you can be fun and will give you energy for other things in life.

  • To create and plan games and teach them to one another.

  • To develop a sense of fair play.


Cognitive development:

  • To develop decision making and problem solving skills.

  • To develop reasoning skills and the ability to make judgements.

  • To develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas.

  • To develop the ability to communicate non-verbally with the body.

  • To improve observational skills, the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own and others’ work, and to use this knowledge and understanding to improve their own performance.

  • To understand that using the correct technique will improve accuracy and individual performance.

  • To be able to evaluate performance and act upon constructive criticism.   


Spiritual, moral and cultural development:

  • To develop a positive attitude to themselves and others.

  • To experience a range of differing activities and realise that physical activity doesn’t have to be about winning a competition - doing your best is as important.

  • To be able to encourage others and give praise for their achievements so that when children perform they do not fear failure.

  • To treat your team, the opposition and the referee with respect.

  • To raise self-esteem through opportunities to celebrate sporting success.


PE Premium

The welcome allocation of additional funds from the government will enable us to further develop initiatives already being pursued. We want to extend our established emphasis on encouraging healthy lifestyles and positive attitude to physical activity. We aim to improve the quality and consistency of teaching of physical education. Moreover, by looking outside the school day we will significantly develop more opportunities for children to experience a range of very different activities. We have compiled the following action plan for 2019-20, which details our ideas for the year ahead.