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Wigley Primary School PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association)


Coming together to enrich our children’s time at school and strengthen the Wigley Family.


Our Mission

The Wigley Primary School PTFA aims to bring together the children, parents, staff and friends to create a strong and supportive community. Through this network we will pull together to raise funds that will be used to enhance and enrich the experiences of our children during their time at school.

It is our hope that everyone in this Wigley Family will feel a part of something great and that they will know their contributions of time, money and support are appreciated. We will organise experiences and activities that will get people together and provide an opportunity for raising money for our school.

The PTFA is a group of parents, teachers and friends of Wigley Primary School who are dedicated to fulfilling this mission. We appreciate any contributions anyone can make and welcome anyone who would like to get more involved with the organising of events.



We organise a variety of events throughout the year. The children enjoy movie nights, discos and the end of year prom, and get involved with raising money through sponsored activities and virtual races. There are events for the whole family including the School Fair and egg rolling, and some events for just the parents.


Where the money goes

Every year the PTFA pays for Christmas and Graduation gifts including Y6 leavers hoodies, as well as paying for the children to go to the pantomime and putting on a prom for the Y6 leavers. We have purchased resources for the children to use in school such as cooking equipment, reading books, wet play toys and playground equipment.


Roles within the PTFA

Chair – Catherine Simpson
Vice-Chair – Amy Lilleyman
Treasurer – Gavin Pearson
Secretary – Danica Darley
Other members: Caroline Siderius, Samantha Longley, Anne Pearson, Lucy Bond, Lucy Barnes, Rachel Wright