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Meet the staff

Mr Dave Ratcliffe

Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Sarah Smith

School Business Manager

Mrs Claire Taylor

School admin assistant

Mrs Sally Clements

Assistant Headteacher, SENCO, Key Stage 1 and Reception Class Teacher & Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Gemma Blackaby

Key Stage 2 Class Teacher

Mrs Rebecca Pagett-Webster

KS2 Teacher and FS/KS1 HLTA

Miss Mollie Machin

FS/KS1/KS2 Teacher

Miss Lynsey Gregory

KS2 Teacher 0.1

Mrs Amy Beattie

KS2 Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs Sara Sandalls

KS2 Teaching and Learning Assistant

Miss Amanda Murcott

KS1 and Reception Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mr Mike Jones

Y6 Mathematics Teacher

Mrs Sarah Saunders

School Cook

Mr Tim Shepley

Handy Man

* no staff member at Penny Acres Primary  School has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more