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Governing body


Please open the attachment at the bottom of this page for a full list of roles, responsibilities and business interests of our governing body.

1. The name of the federation is The Penny Acres and Wigley Federation.

2. The names and categories of the schools are:
 a. Penny Acres Primary School
 b. Wigley Primary School.

3. The name of the governing body is "The governing body of The Penny Acres and Wigley Schools Federation".

4. The governing body shall consist of:
 a. 2 parent governors (Catherine Simpson and Sat Makkar)
 b. 1 LA governor (Vacancy)
 c. 1 staff governor (Lynsey Gregory)
 d. 1 Headteacher (Dave Ratcliffe)
 e. 4 co-opted governors ( Paul Dorward, Mark Williams, Sally Clements, vacancy).
Chair: Paul Dorward 
Vice Chair: Catherine Simpson

5. Total number of governors is 9.

6. The term of office of all governors is 4 years.

7. The Instrument of Government came into effect on 5 September 2017 replacing the Instrument of Government made on 1 March 2013.

8. This instrument was made by order of Derbyshire Local Authority on 5 September 2017.

9. A copy of the Instrument of Government must be supplied to every member of the governing body (and the Headteacher if not a governor).
Governor Pen Portraits

Mr Paul Dorward

Chair of the governing board

My son attended Penny Acres from reception through to the end of year 6, and my daughter is currently Penny Acres and thoroughly enjoying her time there. I was co-opted on to the Penny Acres Primary School governing body in March 2018 and so was part of the governing body as we federated with Wigley Primary School, later being elected Chair at the end of 2019. The governing body is responsible for the oversight of the management of each of the schools, offering a critical ear to the Head Teacher and ensuring robust accountability, and it is a privilege to be part of this.

During the day, I work as an independent mortgage adviser, working with a wide variety of homeowners, to ensure they receive the best advice on the mortgage most suitable to their individual circumstances. Working within a highly regulated environment has given me a vast array of transferable skills to take in to my governor role.

I’m a big rugby fan, and in my spare time, I enjoy watching live games, and volunteer as a coach of a junior rugby team in Dronfield. I enjoy imparting some of my experience of the game to the new generation, and I’m currently working towards my England Rugby Coaching Award.

Mr David Ratcliffe

Executive Headteacher

I am very proud to be the Executive Headteacher of two wonderful, quintessentially rural, Derbyshire schools, having moved to the Federation in November 2018 after previously working in the Bolsover area for 15 years.

I am passionately committed to improving the outcomes for all of the pupils in our Federation in order that they can reach their full potential and be proud of their achievements. I do this through encouraging a strong sense of family, a respect and tolerance of others and through an unwavering belief that every pupil can achieve - a vison passionately shared by staff in both schools.

As Headteacher, I will continue to strive to maintain and raise the standards of both schools in the Federation, ensuring that both schools, pupils and parents make positive contributions to our fabulous communities.

I am married with two children (aged 10 and 13) and in what spare time I have, I enjoy Motorcycle Trials riding,, fishing and walking with my family in the countryside we are very fortunate to have on our doorstep.

Mrs Catherine Simpson

Parent Governor

I am a parent of two children at Wigley Primary School and Parent Governor (Vice Chair) for the Federation. I aim to bring my lifelong passion for learning and development, and experience of teaching to the role. I am enjoying getting to know both schools and gaining the knowledge and skills needed to support the Federation.
It is an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to support two wonderful rural schools in providing the best education for each and every child that attends.

I have dedicated the last few years to raising my three children and playing my part in the running of our family farm. My love for Wigley extends beyond governance to being Chair of the PTFA and finding any opportunity I can to come in and be part of school alongside these wonderful children. When I'm not in school you will find me enjoying music, nature, and learning about personal development on the farm I am blessed to call my home.